Thursday, October 06, 2005

Day 2

Well day 2 is before day 1 so forgive me. Scroll down if you want to see the pictures from day 1.
Day 2 consisted of 2 games players choice voting and the awards. I can't say enough about this event try to join us next year 2006 in October when we do it all again.

The Trophies! You know in your heart you are planning an army to get one of these even as you read this post. $25 Gift certificate to the Warstore came with the prize we also gave out many door prizes. Posted by Picasa

The Nice and politically correct shot. Posted by Picasa

This is to all of you who didn't make it to the best tournament in 2005! Posted by Picasa

The Winners! Posted by Picasa

Jay Peine Iron Warriors you will never find a more divoted Iron Warrior player ever he has 10K of IW only! And he wins the most template weapons in a army award :-) Posted by Picasa

Dale Boreman's Khorne Army. My favorite quote " If you don't kill everyone of my guys I'm calling you a pussy!"
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Dale's HQ BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! Posted by Picasa

Robert Sautbine's IG Chimera's and Destroyers and Basilisks oh my!
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Todd Halchurch's Tyranid Fleet. Posted by Picasa

Todd's HQ Tyranid Hive Tyrant leadning the hive. Posted by Picasa

Todd's Carnifex all with interchangable magnetic arms. Posted by Picasa

Don't hide in cover cause I'm gonna get ya! Posted by Picasa

Todd's Spore Mines going wild. Posted by Picasa

Steve Vieau's Space Marine Army. There are more pictuer of this army under day 1. I really like the color scheme.
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Travis's Grey Knight Army. Posted by Picasa

Travis Wesley's Brother Captain. Travis supprised a lot of people only havig 35 figures in his list of straight GK and he put up a hell of a fight. Posted by Picasa

Jim Steven's Tau All the horrible things I heard about Tau against Dark Eldar where True I got the big spanking against this army. Posted by Picasa

Jim's Ethereal Posted by Picasa

Berry's Edlar 2nd edition remake. I had a hard game it seemed neither Berry nor I could figre who was winning. I guess that's why we had a draw :-) Elar vs Dark Eldar! Posted by Picasa

Peter Calson's LaTD Army. Pete also made a ton of the terrain you see on the boards. Posted by Picasa

I think this picture speaks for itself. Posted by Picasa

Pete's hounds are made from 3 different models. One for the head, one for the body and one for the tail. The body is genestealers, the tail is from skaven. Posted by Picasa

Pete's LaTD. Posted by Picasa

Covertion City this definately deserved the Players Choice award. Posted by Picasa

Pete's LaTD lascannon squad. Posted by Picasa